Friday, February 19, 2016

In Class Support

Jennifer shared some good thinking while working on her summative task.
This week my Grade 2 students were working on their summative assessment, reflecting on how their new knowledge about artifacts helped them to understand the history of Cambodia.

The Grade 3 students had an adventurous week of filed trips and action taking. One of the field trips was to CCF (Cambodian Children Fund). ISPP Students learned a lot about how CCF helps the community and took action, donating clothing to the fund.

My EAL beginners had lots of fun presenting 'The Turnip' story. We read 'The Turnip' story and decided to act it out. Sofia ended up having two parts - the Cat and the narrator. All my students enjoyed the activity and practiced being expressive and loud and clear when speaking. Our plan is to have even more fun with 'The Mitten' story next week.

Minato - the Man, Yubin - the Woman, Thomas - the Dog, Sofia - the Cat and the  Narrator, Thida - the Mouse

I had an opportunity to work one on one with my beginner Grade 3 student Yubin. We worked on Yubin's reading comprehension skills. Yubin read a story about a Dragon with a cold. Before reading I talked to Yubin about the cover, title, the author and the illustrator. Yubin made her predictions about the story. During the reading we stopped several times to discuss the new words or just the meaning of the challenging passages. Yubin enthusiastically answered my questions about the characters, setting, problem and solution.

She managed to make a personal connection to the text. Finally we learned about what is a summary and how to write it. In this video Yubin is answering my questions about the story and reads the summary of the story that we completed during this session.

EFL Classes

During the EFL classes this week my Grade 2 students were creating ISPP timelines. Boys and girls had to work with a partner from their classroom as the plan was to take the completed ISPP Timeline back to the class and share it with their peers.

My students had an opportunity to discuss and compare photographs, sequence them and enrich their knowledge about the history of our school. It was exciting to observe them making their discoveries and hear their enthusiastic comments. It was a loud class and we all talked a lot with each other. The next step will be to practice presenting our timelines.

Sak and Jayden worked really well together.

Maly and Mollymoon are sorting out the images before pasting them on the timeline.

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