Monday, February 16, 2015

Recently my Grade 2/3 students have been learning how to explain. While practicing this skill, they explained how to make chocolate. First we read a book about making chocolate, created our mindmaps with essential steps and finally presented the information. It was fun to learn about chocolate! I guess because we thought too much about chocolate, we decided to melt and enjoy it with strawberries and bananas. And we did it today during our grade 2/3 partial support EAL classes. 

Kelly is about gulp a juicy strawberry covered with melted chocolate

Serey had lots of fun and ate the last strawberry.

Sak liked our  class a lot and decided to melt some chocolate at home to surprise his family.

Monday, February 9, 2015

My grade 2/3 student Kelly Prak has received a certificate today. Kelly read for 75 nights!! Congratulations Kelly!!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

My grade 4/5 EAL students were learning about  sharing our planet. They had great learning experiences during various field trips and sessions with guest speakers.  One of the focus groups was learning about saving water and trying to look at the problem through the eyes of different people.